When Words Fail to Express Pain, Can Painting Become an Alternative Language? Trouble de la chair explores the experience of chronic illness through a pictorial reflection on bodily tensions, altered perceptions, and contemporary healthcare systems. This series of oil paintings examines the ambiguity of the boundaries between visible and invisible, control and chaos.
The work navigates the interplay between brutality and poetry, embodied through motifs of the human body—skin, bones, flesh—alongside synthetic elements borrowed from the medical world. Its figures, immersed in ambivalent spaces, translate a bodily condition shaped by uncertainty, waiting, and interactions with systems of power. Drawing from phenomenology, the artist moves beyond the mere medical representation of illness to reveal how it is lived and felt in a world shaped by modern structures.
The canvases unfold across multiple temporalities, oscillating between luminous, translucent areas and denser, more opaque ones. This alternation evokes the irregular rhythms of illness: moments of relief interwoven with tension. Painting thus becomes a space of expression for the unspeakable, where bodily motifs engage with stretched and fragmented textures, reflecting the psychological and physical impacts of chronic illness.
Through this series, the artist constructs a visual poetics that interrogates both individual perceptions and collective narratives of health and illness. The works do not merely depict disorder—they embody it, inviting us to reconsider how bodies, emotions, and systems intersect in liminal spaces, between light and darkness, intimacy and universality.
Ludovic Fleury — Paris, France
Solo Show
Trouble de la chair, Ekow Gallery, Paris, FR (à venir)
Group Show
Duo-show Clara Villechaise x Ludovic Fleury, Ekow Gallery, Paris, FR
Produits de premières nécessités, Non-Etoile, Montreuil, FR
Réenchantement, Le Sample, Bagnolet, FR
Portes Ouvertes, Tour Orion, Montreuil, FR
Micro/Macro, Miam, Toulouse, FR
Nuit Blanche, Tour Orion, Montreuil, FR
13,22, Galerie Bertrand Grimmond, Paris, FR
L’autre, Le Sample, Bagnolet, FR
Sexuality, Festival Les Marmittes, Nanterre, FR
Ludovic Fleury — Paris, France
Solo Show
Trouble de la chair, Ekow Gallery, Paris, FR (à venir)
Group Show
Duo-show Clara Villechaise x Ludovic Fleury, Ekow Gallery, Paris, FR
Produits de premières nécessités, Non-Etoile, Montreuil, FR
Réenchantement, Le Sample, Bagnolet, FR
Portes Ouvertes, Tour Orion, Montreuil, FR
Micro/Macro, Miam, Toulouse, FR
Nuit Blanche, Tour Orion, Montreuil, FR
13,22, Galerie Bertrand Grimmond, Paris, FR
L’autre, Le Sample, Bagnolet, FR
Sexuality, Festival Les Marmittes, Nanterre, FR